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C# Strings

By Stephen Armstrong // November 23, 2019

How to add text to your game.

Strings are text. They are used in games to contain in-game elements such as dialogue and menu text, and behind-the-scenes elements such as save file locations.

Creating and using strings

Use the following C# code to create a string called exampleString that contains the following text: “This-Is-A-New-String”

string exampleString = "This-Is-A-New-String";

Strings have numerous properties/methods that you can use in your game. The following table is a brief overview, including example code and results.

.Contains()bool containsTest = exampleString.Contains(“new-st”);Checks if a string contains the specified string (is case sensitive).containsTest is False.
bool containsTest = exampleString.Contains(“New-St”);containsTest is True.
.ToUpper()string upperString = exampleString.ToUpper();CHANGES THE ENTIRE STRING TO UPPER CASE.upperString == “THIS-IS-A-NEW-STRING”
.ToLower()string lowerString = exampleString.ToLower();changes the entire string to lower case.lowerString == “this-is-a-new-string”
.Substring()string substringTest = exampleString.Substring(9);Gets everything after the ninth character.substringTest == “-New-String”
string substringTest = exampleString.Substring(9,4);Gets the first four characters after the ninth character.substringTest == “-New”
.Insert()string insertTest = exampleString.Insert(8,“Not-”);Inserts “Not-” into the string after the eighth character.insertTest == “This-Is-Not-A-New-String”
.StartsWith()bool startsTest = exampleString.StartsWith(“T”)Checks if the string starts with the specified string (is case sensitive).startsTest is True.
bool startsTest = exampleString.StartsWith(“t”)startsTest is False.
.EndsWith()bool endsTest = exampleString.EndsWith(“G”);Checks if the string ends with the specified string (is case sensitive).endsTest is False.
bool endsTest = exampleString.EndsWith(“g”);endsTest is True.
.Length()int testLength = exampleString.Length;The total length of the string (including spaces).testLength == 20
.Remove()string removeTest = exampleString.Remove(4);Removes everything after the fourth character.removeTest == “This”
string removeTest = exampleString.Remove(4,5);Removes the five characters that come after the fourth character.removeTest == “This-New-String”
.Replace()string replaceTest = exampleString.Replace(”-”,” ”);Replaces every dash (-) in the string with a space.replaceTest == “This Is A New String”
.Split()string[] splitTest = exampleString.Split(new char[] i);Splits the string into a string array. The split point is the character “i”.splitTest[0] == “Th”
splitTest[1] == “s-Is-A-New-Str”
splitTest[2] == “ng”
string[] splitTest = exampleString.Split(new char[] i, 2);Splits the string into a string array with a maximum length of two entries.
The split point is the character “i”.
splitTest[0] == “Th”
splitTest[1] == “s-Is-A-New-String”

As an overview, this table should provide you with some idea of how to use these properties/methods in your MonoGame project. Feel free to experiment with them to see what you can do!

Adding to a string

Strings use the same += operator as numbers, so it’s very easy to add extra content to a string

// Add content to the end of the string
exampleString += "-With-A-Little-Extra";

System.Console.WriteLine("Added extra content to exampleString: {0}", exampleString);

If you run that code, it will display the appended string in the Output.

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